My toddler said her first sentence, and I wasn't within earshot. I wouldn't have known, except my mother was there to tell me. It was last week, and I had run some clothes upstairs. She was downstairs with my mom. When I returned downstairs, my mother told me that she said a complete sentence. I asked what it was.
It was, "Where are you, momma?"
My mother let her know that I would be right back. Although I missed the sentence, it wouldn't have happened if I had been there. She is saying a lot these days. She is doing a lot too.
When she is thirsty, she will go to our refrigerator and open the door. She will grab out a jug of milk and haul it out here. Generally, there isn't much milk in the cartons that she chooses. Today was different. I heard her in a bit of distress and looked over to see her hauling a full gallon of milk. I chuckled and got up to help her.
A gallon of milk weighs eight pounds. She weighs right around 22 pounds. She sure loves her milk. She calls it "meb."
My children are out of school for the summer. Their last day was June 7. They were excited to be done. My 5 year-old got out of school on May 15. He was excited about that. The older two children thought he should continue to go until they got out. It was nice to not have to continue driving back and forth the 7 mile, round-trip, twice a day.
It has been wonderful to have my parents here to visit. That is one of the reasons I haven't blogged in a while. We stay busy. My dad put in a laminate wood floor in the dining room for us. He has worked on my van. He built a couple of planters. We sit out back a lot and talk. I have started working on family history again. My mom got me back into doing that. It is amazing how much is left to do.
We bought a lot of perennials. They were beautiful for a few days. Now they are all dying, except the dianthus and the coral bells. They are beautiful. The dianthus is thriving. I have no clue why the rest are dying.
We planted a garden. We have peas, tomatoes, zucchini, crook neck squash, onion, cucumbers, strawberries and bell peppers. Some of them have started to produce. Our peach tree has several peaches. It looks like we should get a good harvest this year. I am excited about that.