Saturday, October 29, 2011

Home Alone with the Baby

My mom has taken my 7 year-old daughter and 3 year-old son to see the Smurfs Movie.  My 8 year-old is hanging out with his dad, cousin and uncle, which leaves me here with some time to blog.  My newborn is sound asleep beside me. 

She has grown so much in the past 3 1/2 weeks.  It is hard to believe that she has been alive that long.  Here is a picture of her from a few days ago.  She has probably gained a pound since birth, she is doing good, and filling in her newborn outfits. 
 Her sister loves to walk around with her.  I get very tense and hold my breath, but remind myself that I was walking around with babies at that age also.  My mother remembers me carrying one of my sisters (who were 21 months younger than me) down the hall... I was 2.  I can't imagine her reaction to seeing that.  I don't let me 3 year-old stand up with the newborn.  Mom had no idea that I had gotten one of my little sisters until I was marching down the hallway with her.  They are twins and mom was tending to one of them and I guess I decided to help with the other.  Yes, they both managed to survive.

Her brothers love to hold her.  They hold her for a few minutes at a time, then they want to run around and do what little boys do.   Sometimes I give her to my 8 year-old and a few minutes later I look over and she is laying on the couch beside him while he is watching his sister play on the computer.  He is still making sure she is okay, she just isn't on his lap any longer.

I have loved to hold babies for as long as I can remember.  Holding a baby has always been soothing to me.  There is nothing like feeling the little stomach moving up and down as they breathe.  Hearing the little sounds they make as they sleep. 

On another note, my husband brought the 3 older children to a Halloween Party last night.  They all had a great time.  They got to play games, got popcorn and candy.  I had to convince my youngest son that he had to be the bumble bee again.  He tried on his older brother's Mario costume and though it was long, he was able to scrunch the legs up so it wouldn't be too long.  He wanted to be Mario in the worst way, but that would have left my older son without a costume.

It is weird to be in a quiet house.  I have grown accustomed to my children being around.  With a sleeping baby and all the children gone, there is no noise except for the sound of the television and my fingers on the keyboard. 

I am going to try to be better about blogging.  As I have mentioned before, this is the journal that I am keeping for my family, but I have fallen behind in the last few weeks.  Life is busy as a new mommy (again), but this is something I love to do, and I think it is important.  I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Two Weeks and One Day Old

I need to be better about getting on here and updating my blog.  It seems like the days are only a few hours long now that I have the newborn.  I am so thankful that my mother has been able to be out here to help out during this time.  I am recovering well from my c-section. 

The baby turned two weeks yesterday and had her two week appointment.  She is now 19.4 inches long (she was 18.5 at birth) and 6 pounds 12.5 oz (she was 6 lbs 3 oz at birth).  So, she is growing wonderfully and really appreciates her nursing time.  She is a wonderful little girl, like her older brothers and sister.  She cries to let us know when she wants or needs something. 

We had to bring her to urgent care last Friday because her umbilical cord seemed to be having some problems and she developed my rash, quite severely, after her sponge bath.  The rash has cleared up, thankfully, but she has very sensitive skin.  The dermatologist and pediatrician gave me shampoo and body wash to try on her yesterday.  I saw the dermatologist to discuss my taper off of the prednisone. 

Her big brothers and sister adore her.  They enjoy the time they get to hold her.  Her big 3 year-old brother even likes helping to change the poopy diapers.  It is like nothing I have ever seen before.  I remember when I had little brothers (I don't remember my sisters as babies), and I would about puke when there was a poopy diaper.  They love it when they are looking at her and she starts to smile.  She has a beautiful smile. 

It is amazing to watch the older brothers and sister look at her.  You can absolutely see the love in their eyes.  One of the first nights we were home, my 3 year-old got next to the Pack-N-Play bassinet and just watched her.  He watched her for at least 30 minutes, quietly.  It was one of the most precious things I had seen.  He has loved babies for as long as I can remember.  Now he has his own baby in the house and he is very concerned about her well being.

The older two children have been so good with her.  They make sure that I know when she wants to eat, when she should be changed, when she wants to be held.  They have brought their friends over to meet the baby.  We have welcomed them into our home, for a minute or two, to meet the new little one.  I am concerned about germs, especially after one of the little friends came in coughing.  We let them see her and then send the kids out promptly. 

Our car was finally fixed and picked up from the shop yesterday...3 weeks after it broke down on the interstate.  Although it is nice to have it back, it would have been much nicer if it hadn't needed most of the engine repaired.

I just wanted to do a quick update.  We are all well.  I hope this finds you all healthy and happy as well.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My Daughter Was Born Oct 5, 2011

I haven't been on to blog in the last 8 days because I became the proud mother of another baby girl on October 5, 2011.  I found out on Oct 4, at a little after 5 pm that I would be giving birth at around 9:30 am on October 5th.  This news came after having the amniocentesis and the results coming back that the baby's lungs are fully mature. 

My husband drove me to the hospital.  We got there at 7:30 am as we were advised to do.  I had to be there 2 hours before the c-section.  They connected me to the monitors, the IV, got all my information they needed, had me sign forms.  I started filling out all the paperwork.  He put on the surgical outfit that was given to him to go in the operating room with me.  He sat there and kept me company while I waited.  I get nervous before the c-sections, because you never know what can happen.  It is a major surgery.  I don't worry much about me, I worry a lot about the little one that will making a grand entrance.

My sister and my children arrived at the hospital around 9 am and we hung out in the room together for a little bit.  My sister had brought them up to the hospital so they could be there when their new little sister arrived.  They went to the cafeteria for breakfast shortly before I was rolled off to surgery. 

I was brought to the operating room at 9:15 am, so they could prepare me for the surgery.  I had to get a spinal tap and they had to keep track of all my vital signs.  My blood pressure always dips very low after getting the spinal taps.  I get quite nauseous.  My husband sat on my left side, holding my left hand, rubbing it and keeping an eye on me.  When I announced I was nauseous, he relayed it to the anesthesiologist who gave me medicine to help out with that.  My husband has been there for all the baby's births.  He has always been concerned for my well-being during that time.  It is most likely the only major surgery that a loved one can sit in on.  I can see how it could be nerve-wrecking for a husband.  Anticipating the birth of a new child and knowing that your wife is going through major surgery, they always warn you of the possible outcomes of the surgery... one being death.  It is not something I want to think about when delivering a baby and leaving 3 children in my hospital room.  I do trust my midwife completely and I also know that my life is in God's hands.

My midwife and the doctor arrived in the OR at approximately 9:35 am.  The anesthesiologist told me that the doctor was pinching me and wondered if I felt it.  I said that I didn't.  He announced the time as being 9:40 am.  The doctor and midwife discussed my scar tissue from the previous 3 c-sections and said it would take a little longer than usual.   I didn't mind, the only thing that mattered was giving birth to a healthy baby girl.  I could feel a lot of pressure and pulling, but that was all.  Right before she was born, I felt them pressing hard up by my sternum and rib cage.  The anesthesiologist told my husband that it was the time to look if he wanted to see, my husband politely declined.  He isn't too keen on seeing me cut wide open.  I would not be either.  Then we heard those sounds every parent looks forward to... the cry.  I always cry too when the baby is born.  It was announced that she was born at 9:46 am.  She entered the world weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces with a length of 18 1/2 inches.  She is my smallest baby.  The doctor draped her over the curtain and then took her into the next room to take care of her.  She has a lot of dark hair and dark blue eyes.  My husband asked if he could go, and of course, I said yes.  He took a lot of pictures of her getting weighed and getting taken care of, while I was being put back together.

After they did everything they need to, my husband brought her back in.  I gave her a kiss and ended up with some of the eye goo they put on newborn baby's eyes on my lips.  I guess I missed her forehead!  As they wheeled me back to my room, my husband carried the baby.  He was just admiring her.  He is a wonderful daddy.  When we got to the room, a little after 10 am, everyone was back in there.  The children didn't eat much, I guess.  They passed the baby around, the camera died while my daughter was holding her new baby sister.  She was the first one to hold her.  My children loved every minute of getting to hold their new sister.  Then it was time for the two older children to head back to school.   I gave them goodbye kisses and told them I'd see them later.

My husband brought them to school, my youngest son and sister stayed with me.  I let my shared the baby, let my sister hold her.  I love getting to hold the little ones and I know she does too.  She would have to work the next couple of days so I thought it would be nice to let her get some Aunt/Niece time.  That evening, we got on Skype with my family back east so they could see the newest addition to the family.  I wish they lived a lot closer!

I am so grateful to have 4 healthy children.  I am grateful that my baby girl was born healthy and strong.  She is a beautiful little girl with a loving spirit.  I am grateful that my older children love their baby sister.  I have not seen any semblance of jealousy which is wonderful.  I am grateful for a husband who takes the time to be a father to the children.  He is great with the older children, making sure they get outside to play,  having a c-section limits what I can do tremendously.  

My mom changed her flight plans, so she would arrive Sunday, Oct 9, instead of Sat, Oct 15.  That was wonderful of her.  I love having my mom around, and I will have her here for over 3 weeks.  Time goes too fast though!  I am thankful that my mom is retired and can spend this much time with me, and that my father loves us enough to let her come out for this long.  I know it must be hard for him to have her gone for this long.  I wish he could have come too... as well as all the other family out there!

The little one eats well and sleeps well.  She doesn't cry, unless she wants to eat or get changed... or to let us know she woke up.  She has a beautiful smile, and I don't believe she smiles just because she has gas.  I believe she remembers where she was before she was here.  I believe in pre-mortal life, that we lived with our Heavenly Father in a family situation.  I believe that we know those who have passed away before we were born and those that have yet to be born.  I believe that babies remember those things and those people and it makes them happy.

This morning, while we were sorting through some laundry, my 3 year-old announced that "mud makes the baby pop out."  I didn't realize that he associated my falling last Monday, with the baby being born on Wednesday.  It made me laugh though, and I told my mom that when his wife is pregnant, and he starts getting anxious to have the baby born, we will have to warn her to stay away from muddy inclines :)

I will blog more later.  I just wanted to get a quick blog in about her birth.  A lot has happened in the past 8 days, as I am sure all of you with children remember.  I have taken the time to sit and admire my little one and just look in her eyes and imagine what life will be like for her.  As a parent, I hope that life gives my children all the good things.   I know it won't be perfect for them, but I hope and pray it is a wonderful life for them.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I Fell Yesterday and Had an Amniocentesis Today...

Well, yesterday after I posted my blog, I had to pick up my oldest son and go to the dentist.  My youngest and I were walking to the school to pick him up.  There was a muddy incline between the apartments and the sidewalk, so I told my son to let me go first to make sure he didn't fall.  My intentions... get to the sidewalk and hold his hand while he came down.  What really happened... I put a foot down and immediately slipped and fell on my back and rear.  So, being the mom that I am, I got up, muddy back end and all, and continued walking to the school.  I didn't want to be late for the appointment.  My youngest said something to the effect, "You falled, Mommy.  Not me."  He made it down without incident while I was still laying there trying to collect myself. 

I got to the school, got my oldest son, and we walked back to the dentist office.  If we had the working car, this would have never happened, but neither here nor there.  We have a broken down car so I get to walk.  After getting to the dentist and getting his tooth filled.  We came home.  I called my doctor's office, whose nurse told me to go to the hospital to be monitored.  I called my husband, sobbing, telling him what I did.  He came home from work, drove me to the hospital and stayed for about an hour before he had to come home to make sure the kids had someone here when they arrived home. 

The baby is fine.  I am sore.  That is what matters.  I don't care about me, I care about her and her well being.  I would much rather feel this way than have any of my little ones feel this way.  Just a reminder... if you think something could make someone else fall, it is likely it can make you fall too!  I forgot such a thing...I thought I would be more stable than I was.  I wouldn't have risked hurting her, or myself, had I thought that would be the outcome. 

This morning I had an amniocentesis.  We are checking to see if the baby's lungs are mature yet.  If they are, she will be delivered shortly, if not, we will wait.  For those who have read some of my past blogs, I have a rare pregnancy rash (Pemphigoid Gestationis), which affects 1 in 50,000 pregnant women.  I have been on 40 mg of prednisone since July.  The rash has reappeared on my belly, it hurts and itches.   I feel that it is better for the little one to come out sooner, rather than later, so she isn't subjected to the medication any longer than necessary.   I also worry about the side effects of the rash on the baby.  I figure if she is healthy and her lungs are mature, she should probably come out, rather than risk the complications if suddenly the amniotic fluid gets low. 

After the amniocentesis, my 3 year-old and I had to go back up to the Labor and Delivery floor to have the baby monitored again for an hour.  She did just fine.  Everything still looks good for her.  We are now waiting for the results of the amniocentesis.  She could be born tonight or tomorrow if the tests show her lungs are fully mature.  If they are not mature, she will wait to be born until they are.  I am excited to meet the little one and hold her in my arms.  I wonder what she is going to look like.  I wish my family (all those in NY and WA) were going to be here to see her at birth.  That is the sad part to me, I don't know when a lot of them will meet her.  Thank goodness for Skype though!  I plan on introducing her as quickly as I can to them, via Skype.  What an amazing piece of technology!

I will introduce her to all my followers too, as soon as I get the time.  Don't be offended that I won't give her name, I do it, because perhaps, I am an over-protective mommy.  I don't want to have my little one's names out in public.  I will post pictures though.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a healthy baby girl! 
Thank you!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Ten Things I Am Thankful For

I think it is important to take the time to think about what we are thankful for.  Sometimes it is easy to forget when the day isn't going quite right, but we have been blessed with so many things. 

1.  My family --  I have been blessed with wonderful parents.  I am the second of six children.  I was raised in a close-knit family.  We were raised to tell each other we love them, and we mean it.  You never know when the last time will be that you will get to say that to someone you love.  Use the words, and mean it!  I hope to get to say those words to everyone in my family for many years still to come.  I have a wonderful husband that I was blessed to marry on Sept 7, 2001.  We have 3 amazing children (the 4th will be here within the next 10 days).  I look so forward to meeting our 4th child.  I am so fortunate to have the three that I have already been able to hold and love.  I hope that they know how much I love them and that I would do anything for them.  Without my family, I would surely not be the person I am today.

2.  My Heavenly Father and Jesus -- Without them I would have nothing.  I firmly believe this.  I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  We believe that Jesus Christ suffered for all of our sins that someday we can return to live with Them in Heaven, if we live correctly and repent when we do things that we shouldn't.  We believe that They love each of us regardless of choices we make.

3.  Friends --  I have wonderful friends for which I am very thankful.  They understand who I am.  They know that just because I don't show up at their house daily, weekly, or even monthly, that I do love them.  When I do get to see them, it is like no time has passed.  We catch up quickly and look forward to the next time our paths may cross.  A lot changes with children, and not in a bad way, I have just learned that I don't have the time that I did beforehand to go and visit with friends.

4.  Employment --  I am currently on leave from work.  If they need my help with anything, they know that they can give me a shout, and I will be happy to help out.  I am thankful for the opportunity I have had to work with wonderful people down in Salt Lake City.  I am thankful that my husband has a good job that he enjoys.  It is nice that he doesn't complain about the back pain he used to endure at his previous warehouse job. In this time of economic depression, it is nice to have an income.

5.  Health --  I am grateful for the good health of myself and my children.  There is nothing worse than being ill or having a sick child and not being able to do anything about it.  We have been blessed to live in an age where there have been so many medical advances.  With proper diagnosis and care, people live much longer than they used to. 

6.  Home --  There are people that don't have a place to call home.  I am thankful that I have never been one of those people.  It is nice to have a place for shelter from the elements, a place to lay my head at night, a place to cook food.  This is something that can easily be taken for granted, until it is gone.  I hope to always have a place to call home.

7.  Education--  I am grateful that I was able to receive an education.  That, at times, seemed so meaningless, especially in childhood.  There were a lot of mornings my mother had to fight with me to get me out the door and to school.  There were times she would get me to school, only to have me walk out the other set of doors, and go off and do what I wanted.  Well, I wouldn't say I really wanted to walk several miles anywhere, but I would rather do that than go to school.  Don't get me wrong, I still graduated in the top 10% of my high school class, there were just times I really didn't want to be there.  There are so many children worldwide that don't even get the chance to go to school to learn the basics... reading, writing and arithmetic.  I couldn't imagine where I would be today if I hadn't pursued my education.  Take advantage of your opportunity to learn!

8.  My Blog --  I do this blog to keep a record of (almost) daily events in the lives of my kids, my husband and I.  For so long, I tried to keep journals for everyone.  It didn't work out so well.  Maybe a few entries a year.  This has made that so much easier.  It gives an account of what we have done that day or the previous day.  It is fun for me to sit down and write about my thoughts and the happenings.  I think the children really appreciate it.  My family enjoys getting to read what we have done recently and it gives me a chance to let my friends know what is going on as well.  I am still learning the whole blogging concept, but I am enjoying every step of the way.

9.  Cars  --  You never realize how much you rely on a car, until you don't have one.  I am thankful that we have our minivan out here and my sister has her car.  My husband has been using her car to commute to work and she uses the minivan to drive to the commuter train in the morning.  I am left carless, until our car is repaired.  We are praying that it is the repair that $1000 less than the other option.  We believe that we found an honest car repair shop.  It will be nice to have a vehicle here again, especially with impending doctor's appointments.

10.  Exercise --  I have not been able to do much exercise in the past 8 months due to the pregnancy.  I am sure I could have, but I miscarried a baby on May 26, 2010, after having done some running on a treadmill.  I know that it was probably a coincidence, but I didn't want to take a chance this time.  My exercise has consisted of going for walks when I have felt up to it.  With the pemphigoid gestationis since mid June, I have not felt like it very often.  I know that after I have this little one I will be able to reinstitute my exercise regimen after I heal from the c-section.  The pregnancy is definitely worth the lack of exercise. 

What are some things you are thankful for?  This isn't an all-inclusive list by any means.  I just wanted to list ten things that came to mind.  We live in a time that sometimes makes it easier to think about everything that is wrong.  I wanted to take the time today to list things that are blessings in my life.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Ogden's George Eccles Dinosaur Park

Yesterday my sister took us to the Dinosaur Park in Ogden, UT.  I didn't know what to expect when we got there.  I have to admit that I was very impressed with it though!  I have always been intrigued by dinosaurs.  In Washington DC, the only museum I really like is the Museum of Natural History, and that is because of the dinosaur exhibit, as well as the mammal exhibit.  As a child, I remember going to a museum in Houston, TX, that had dinosaur bones as well.  I have no idea what that museum is called. 

The kids, my husband and my sister seemed to be equally impressed with the dinosaur park.  We spent at least an hour walking around looking at the different sculptures.  I have to admit that the first thing I saw was what won my heart.  It was an exhibit that had a T-Rex and a momma Triceratops with two babies.  I loved the babies.  I would love to get a robotic one that size and let it run around my house.  It is the cutest thing I have seen that could be pet-like and non-allergenic.  There is a picture of my youngest in front of the baby triceratops. 

After wandering around inside for a little while, we headed outside to see what was out there.  They have several different dinosaurs outside.  My sister took several pictures of the different sculptures (I believe they are made of rock or cement, we aren't allowed to touch them.).  My children seemed frightened at first, they thought the dinosaurs were real.  I think they caught on after a little while that they weren't moving, therefore, they weren't real.  We didn't tell them one way or the other.  I think it would have taken away from the experience.

We found this dinosaur and we decided that it was probably the dinosaur that would be closest in height to the children.  The children wanted a picture in front of it to see.  Perhaps we will have to go back yearly until they are taller than that dinosaur.  I don't have any idea what kind of dinosaur this is. 

We continued on our way and found a rather hefty looking dinosaur.  My parents have a dog that resembled the dinosaur (minus the horns and the height).  My children promptly called it Duke (after my parent's dog) and we needed a picture with that dinosaur as well. 

It is a fun park to walk around in.  You don't know what will be around the next corner.  It is fun to see how life-like the dinosaurs are.  It was a fun time in the park and I look forward to going back. 

After the Dinosaur Park, we headed to the indoor playground for pizza.  The kids got to play for about an hour and a half and then we headed home.  It was a fun day for them.  I enjoy getting to go out and have fun with my children. 

My husband was able to attend the Priesthood Session of the Semi-Annual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints last night with a friend that lives here in UT, that had previously lived in NY where we did.  It was a wonderful time to go and listen to leaders of our Church.  This being General Conference Weekend, we have been able to listen to leaders of our Church for guidance and inspiration. 

I hope you all have a great Sunday!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Welcome To The International Giveaway Visitors... And Welcome Back Regular Readers

I am sponsoring Heavenly Savings Blog in an international giveaway October 1st through October 10th. The link to the giveaway is:  International Giveaway Hop -- 3 winners  I want to welcome all the people that visit my blog and hope that you will take the time to read what I have said and will say in the future.  My blog is about my kids, my husband and I.  I am the wife of a wonderful husband, the mother of 3 children (the 4th will be here by Oct 13).  I have 2 sons, 1 daughter, and a daughter soon-to-be-here.

My friends that read this daily, please make sure that you click the above link and join the giveaway.  There are many great items to be given away and if you don't follow me already, please do that :)  On to my daily blog about life...

I can tell the time of delivery is quickly approaching.  There is so much to be done, and feels like there is so little time.  Today I am planning to rearrange my bedroom to better fit the Pack-N-Play.  I figure if I get things moved around appropriately, I will not have the little Pack-N-Play in middle of the floor.  It makes it difficult to jump out of bed and run into the bathroom for my nighttime trips. 

Last night, my oldest son, who is 8 years-old, was leaning his head on my belly.  His baby sister started kicking (or hitting) him in the head.  He moved his head and asked why she was kicking him and said it kind of hurt.  I told him that I don't know if she is kicking or hitting because I can't tell what body part it is, but it is because she is trying to let him know she loves him.  I told him that she can't communicate with us yet, and that is how she lets us know that she knows we are here.  He put his head back down, with his arm between his head and my belly, and just laughed every time she did it.

My youngest son, who is 3 years-old, makes me laugh regularly.  He is "pregnant" too.  He has been pregnant almost as long as I have been.  He is going to have a yellow baby and a blue baby.  When he gets hungry, he lets me know that his baby is hungry.  His baby is a lot like mine, it always wants ice cream.  He would eat ice cream all day if I allowed it.  Breakfast, lunch and dinner... and all snacks in between.  He doesn't like when his baby doesn't get ice cream, but I insist that he must eat other food.  I don't feed my baby ice cream all the time either, once a day generally, maybe twice a day if it is really hot.  Speaking of hot... it was over 90 degrees here yesterday, I heard it was a record for the day.  Yesterday I had only one bowl of ice cream though.  When he is done eating, he lets me know his baby is full.  I wonder how long his "pregnancy" is going to last after I have the baby.  It will be fun to see. 

Since I have the Pack-N-Play set up, I have started putting some of the baby's things into it.  I started doing that yesterday.  My youngest helped me set it up.  Last night, he came in the room, ran past the Pack-N-Play and then turned around really fast and said, "Your baby popped out?!"  I guess when he saw the stuff in it, and it was a quick glance, he thought it was the baby.  I assured him that I would let him know when the baby pops out.  He has attempted to help her "pop out" by pressing on my belly.  He is really excited to be a big brother.

My daughter is excited to finally have a sister.  She has wanted for years.  I explained to her before I even got pregnant that there is no guarantees.  I would explain that we can't put in an order for a brother or a sister, we just love the baby whether it is a boy or girl.  She would pray for a sister.  Prayers do get answered and I have seen it on many occasions, but she is really happy that hers was.  I remember the day I told her that she was having a sister.  She was ecstatic.  It was Memorial Day.  Her and her brothers jumped up and down with joy.

I am excited for the day that I get to share the news that my daughter has been born.  That will be within the next 12 days.  Due to my pregnancy rash (pemphigoid gestationis) and the medications I have been on, it won't be any later than Oct 13, unless the lungs are not fully mature.  I will be getting an amniocentesis to make sure that the baby's lungs are fully mature before I have the c-section.  

I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday and enjoy your weekend!  I would love to read any comments that you all have and hope you come back to visit often.