Yesterday I got two packages in the mail. I was excited. I knew that one of the packages was my new battery for my computer. My battery would only work for about 20 minutes, at the most, if it wasn't plugged in. I had no idea what the other package was though. I told someone else to open it, so my sister did.
After she opened it, she had my children bring it over to me. When I opened the cover, it was my Blog2Print book. I was very excited to see that! The quality of the blog was very impressing. It has nice sized pages and the cover pictures were beautiful. It looks like it should last the test of time.
It is wonderful to have the blog in print. I began my blog as an effort to start journaling our day-to-day activity. I know the importance of keeping a journal, but I have not been good about doing it. I like to know that my children will have a book showing them what we did when they were children.
I am planning to buy a Blog2Print each year. Someday, I hope to have a large collection of books titled, "My Kids, My Husband and I." I would recommend blogging to anyone that wants to keep a journal but really doesn't want to sit down and put a pen to paper. It is much quicker for me to type it out than to write it out.
For just under $17, I was able to get just over 70 pages in a black and white book with a paperback cover. I think that is a wonderful deal!
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