Ten Things About the Mommy in Me
- I am a Mama Bear. I protect my children (and my family) with every fiber of my being.
- I will not be a mommy that will ever say, "My child would never do that." That was something I decided a long time ago when I would hear other mothers say that, when I knew their child did do "that." I will listen to what the person says and then have a talk with my child.
- I will stay up all night with a sick child. My mother did that for me, I will do that for my children. It will take me a long time to catch up on the sleep I missed, but that is okay.
- I will teach my children correct principles and let them govern themselves (as adults). I have to believe that they will know right from wrong. Of course, for now, I can't let them do much by themselves.
- I will always let my children know that I love them. I may not love something that they have done, or a choice they have made, but I love them regardless.
- I will try to cook them good meals that will help them grow strong and healthy. We will have chocolate, almost daily, but they get a good dinner too.
- I feel bad for my children when they get in trouble. I am sometimes the one that has to discipline them, and I hate doing that, but it is for their good. I believe that children have to know that there are consequences to their decisions.
- I am not afraid to die, but I do worry about the what would happen to my children if I did die. We are not guaranteed any amount of time on earth. I believe it is imperative to always let people know that you love them (if, in fact, you do.). That is how I was raised. We don't let a good-bye end without telling family we love them.
- I try to always let my children know how proud I am of them. They all have special characteristics which make them unique. I try to point those out to them.
- There is nothing like having my child tell me he or she loves me. It melts my heart, especially if it is unsolicited. When I tell them I love them, they say it back to me, but it is really nice when they just say it out of nowhere.
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